A constitution website for all

The Constitutional Advisory Panel will launch a resource-rich website tomorrow at www.ourconstitution.org.nz to encourage all New Zealanders to be part of the Constitution Conversation.

The Panel is seeking submissions from the public about New Zealand’s constitutional arrangements in the first half of 2013.

Panel co-chairs Sir Tipene O’Regan and Emeritus Professor John Burrows say the supporting resources have been created to cater to the needs of all people regardless of their current level of knowledge or understanding about New Zealand’s constitution.

“We realise that many New Zealanders are unaware that New Zealand has a constitution or how integral it is to their daily lives,” says Sir Tipene O’Regan.

“We hope these resources encourage people to feel confident enough to make a submission on these very important issues.”

The resources and the submission guide ask questions on topics like electoral matters, the role of the Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the place of the Treaty of Waitangi in our constitution.

The Panel is also asking New Zealanders to consider what their aspirations are for Aotearoa New Zealand and how they want our country to be run in the future.

Emeritus Professor John Burrows says “A constitution reflects who we are as a country – our unique history and values so the responses to these aspirational questions will influence the final report.”

The resources include a submission guide with a quick submission form, postcards, factsheets, booklets and short videos including an introductory video called “Getting the Constitution Conversation Started”. Resources are also available for community groups to host their own constitution conversations and include a facilitator’s guide, quizzes and suggested activities to stimulate discussions. An online bibliography provides a range of expert opinions on New Zealand’s constitution.

While all the resources are accessible and can be downloaded from the website, printed resources can also be ordered by calling 0508 411 411.

The Panel will be meeting with groups around New Zealand over the next six months to listen to a range of views about New Zealand’s constitution and to encourage people to make submissions. You can find out more about the Panel at www.cap.govt.nz

Submissions on the Constitution Conversation close in July 2013 and can be made online at www.ourconstitution.org.nz, by post or email. The Panel will deliver its final report to Ministers by the end of 2013.


Launch Programme

The public launch will be held Tuesday 26 February 2013 at Te Marae, Level 4, Te Papa.

11.30am Preview of the Constitution Conversation resources and a chance to meet the Panel

12.00pm Mihi Whakatau – Welcome by Te Papa

12.15pm Presentation by the Panel – Professor Burrows & Dr Linda Smith

12.45pm An opportunity to share your aspirations for New Zealand with the Panel.

2.00pm Close

Panel members will be available for media interviews at 12.45pm following the presentation. Please contact Damiane Rikihana to organise an interview.

Southlanders are invited to be part of the nationwide Constitution Conversation

Southlanders are encouraged to think about their aspirations for New Zealand and share their views on how they want our country to be run in the future.

Next Tuesday, Invercargill residents have the chance to learn more about the Constitution Conversation from Panel member and former Dunedin mayor Peter Chin. The Invercargill City Council is hosting a public forum called “The Conversation So Far” at the Drawing Room, Civic Theatre on 28 May (7.00pm -8.00pm).

The Panel, which is an independent advisory group to the Government, is seeking submissions on New Zealand’s constitution in the first half of 2013. Specific topics for discussion include the pros and cons of having our constitution written down in a single document, the role of the Treaty of Waitangi in our constitution, and electoral issues such as the length of the Parliamentary term.

Panel member, Peter Chin says that this is an important and exciting opportunity for all New Zealanders.

“These are fundamental matters that affect all our lives so it’s important that people are well informed and take the opportunity to make a submission.”

Panel members, Peter Chin and Hon John Luxton will also be meeting with local community groups and the Invercargill City Councillors earlier in the day.

The Hon John Luxton, who is also the Chair of Dairy NZ, would like to see the farming sector more involved.

“It’s relevant to every individual, and just as important as every vote in a democracy, for people to think about this and express their views,” he said.

“There’s every good reason for rural people to have their say, and to have the rural voice heard. If you keep quiet during the process, then often people think you support the outcome – whatever it is.”

“Rural people are all interested in how we are governed and it’s appropriate they consider what the constitutional issues are.”

The Panel is due to report back to the Government by the end of 2013. Its recommendations will be based on submissions received.

Public submissions are due by 1 July 2013 and can be made online at www.ourconstitution.org.nz by email or post. People can find a wealth of information and meeting resources on the website or by phoning 0508 411 411.

Submission deadline for the Constitution Conversation extended for a month

Due to growing interest in the Constitution Conversation, the Constitutional Advisory Panel has decided to extend the deadline for submissions. People now have until 31st July 2013 to put forward their views on our current constitutional arrangements and how they want our country to be run in the future. The original submission deadline was 1st July.

Co-chair Sir Tipene O’Regan says the extension gives people extra time to consider the issues and additional time for organisations to consult with their membership.

He says it has become increasingly clear to the Panel that more time is needed to develop public awareness about our constitutional arrangements and the impact it has on their daily lives.

“What we’re starting to see around the country is a better understanding of the issues and a broader range of ideas. We’ve received more than 1500 submissions so far. We are keen to give more people and organisations the opportunity to submit their views.”

Co-chair Emeritus Professor John Burrows says the deadline extension means the Panel will not have time to undertake a second round of submissions as originally intended however he says “Each one of the 12 Panel members has heard from a diverse range of groups and individuals. I’m confident that as a group we will accurately reflect the range of views we’ve heard to the Government.”

During the first half of 2013 the Constitutional Advisory Panel has heard and continues to hear from individuals and communities around the country. Panel members have attended more than 100 events.

Key themes emerging from the submissions and discussions so far include our common values, our changing population, the checks and balances on the institutions that hold public power in New Zealand, the role of the Treaty of Waitangi in our constitutional arrangements, the balance between majority and minority rights, the protection of Māori culture and identity, equality, processes of constitutional change and improving the level of knowledge about our constitution.

The public can find out more information about the constitutional issues and terms of reference by going online to www.ourconstitution.org.nz or by ordering printed resources and meeting toolkits via the free phone number 0508-411-411. You can also join the Conversation on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TheConstitutionConversation.

Submissions can be made online at www.ourconstitution.org.nz by email or post before 31st July 2013. The deaf community can make submissions via the Seeflow website at www.seeflow.co.nz.

The Panel is due to report back to the Government with recommendations by December 2013.

[NZ Sign Language link on the deadline extension]


About the Constitutional Advisory Panel – Te Ranga Kaupapa Ture

The Panel is an independent advisory group appointed by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Māori Affairs. Its role is to seek, listen and record the views of New Zealanders on our constitutional arrangements. It will make recommendations to the Government based on the submissions received.

The Panel members are Emeritus Professor John Burrows (Co-chair), Sir Tipene O’Regan (Co-chair), Peter Chin, Deborah Coddington, Hon Sir Michael Cullen, Hon John Luxton, Bernice Mene, Dr Leonie Pihama, Hinurewa Poutu, Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Peter Tennent and Emeritus Professor Dr Ranginui Walker. For profiles on the Panel go to www.cap.govt.nz

Acknowledging a healthy conversation

The Constitutional Advisory Panel thanks all of those who took part in the Constitution Conversation over the past six months.

Co-chair Emeritus Professor John Burrows says, “The response we’ve received to a wide-ranging conversation on our constitution shows New Zealanders care a lot about the future of our country.”

The Panel wants to particularly acknowledge those groups and individuals who hosted more than 100 Constitution Conversations between February and July this year.

“Hosts gave others the opportunity to consider these fundamental issues in their homes, community halls, businesses and marae. We are extremely appreciative of their generous support,” he says.

The topics for consideration included whether or not Aotearoa New Zealand should have a constitution written down in a single document, the role of the Treaty of Waitangi and the Bill of Rights Act in our constitution, Māori representation in local and national government, and a range of electoral matters.

The deadline for written submissions closed on 31 July and the Panel is currently considering these alongside the views expressed at meetings and via online discussions.

The Panel has received 5270 written submissions via the website, by email or by post. Of these, at least 116 are from groups representing the views of their members including two surveys completed by 1092 young people. Some group submissions reflect a consensus among members while others reflect a range of views.

Professor Burrows says the Panel will take in to account all the different ways in which people have contributed to the conversation.

“The analysis of the Constitution Conversation and the submissions is a thoughtful exercise and one step in a much longer conversation about constitutional arrangements.”

The Panel will provide a written report to the Government by the end of year, including any areas of broad consensus where further work is recommended.

While submissions have closed, people who are interested in the constitutional topics can still access resources online at www.ourconstitution.org.nz or order printed resources by calling the free-phone number 0508-411-411.


Constitutional Review Panel report released

Hon Bill English

Deputy Prime Minister

Hon Pita Sharples

Minister of Maori Affairs

Media Statement

Constitutional Review Panel report released

The Government has received the Constitutional Advisory Panel’s final report which recommends that the conversation about New Zealand’s constitutional arrangements should continue, Deputy Prime Minister Bill English and Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples say.

The 12-member independent panel spent more than six months having a conversation with New Zealanders about our constitutional arrangements. These included the role of the Treaty of Waitangi, Maori representation in Parliament and local government, the Bill of Rights Act and other matters.

“Alongside meetings and hui, the panel received 5259 written submissions indicating interest in the nation’s constitutional framework, although there is no sense of an urgent or widespread desire for change,” Mr English says. “The Government will now consider the CAP’s report and recommendations, including how the conversation might continue.”

Dr Sharples said he was pleased the panel considered a range of fundamental elements of New Zealand’s constitutional arrangements, including Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

“The Treaty is fundamental to our sense of nationhood, and to who we are as New Zealanders. The question is how we translate that in to increased participation and representation of Maori in our democracy. Those matters will be considered as part of the Government’s response to this report.”

Mr English and Dr Sharples thanked the panel members for their work.

“As the panel itself says, there has been a range of views expressed reflecting the diversity of New Zealand and we appreciate the care that has been taken to ensure New Zealanders’ voices have been heard.”

Copies of the report can be found at www.ourconstitution.org.nz

Towards a healthy democracy

The Constitutional Advisory Panel welcomes the release by Ministers of the Panel’s report on the Constitution Conversation.

Panel co-chair Sir Tipene O’Regan says the Panel heard from a wide range of people and communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. The strongest message the Panel heard is that the Government should actively support a continuing conversation about our country’s constitution. The Panel recommends the Government does this by promoting civics, Treaty of Waitangi and citizenship education in our schools and communities and by supporting people to inform themselves about the options for our constitution.

“A healthy democracy depends on engaged, inquiring and well-informed citizens”, says O’Regan. “We heard that New Zealanders are keen to inform themselves and to talk deliberately and consciously about the unique development of Aotearoa New Zealand as a nation.”

The Panel’s report says the Government needs to ensure people can find out more about the current constitutional arrangements and options for the future.

While many of the Panel’s recommendations on the constitutional topics acknowledge there is a need for more discussion and further development, the Panel has made a recommendation to the Government on the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.

Co-chair Emeritus Professor Burrows says, “The Act is seen as a fundamental and enduring part of the protections in our constitution. It’s also apparent that people would support a review of the Act to explore whether it can be made more effective.”

The Panel recommends a review of the Act to explore ways to limit Parliament’s ability to pass legislation that is inconsistent with the Bill of Rights Act and to protect the Act from change. The review could also look at adding more rights to the Act, including economic, social and cultural rights, environmental rights and property rights.

On the Treaty of Waitangi, O’Regan says “The Treaty is a founding document of government in New Zealand. Having heard from a wide range of New Zealanders, the Panel’s view is that we need better information about the options for the future role of the Treaty. We can then talk constructively about developing constitutional arrangements that reflect this unique and diverse nation,” says O’Regan.

The Panel recommends continuing the conversation about Māori-Crown relationships with a view to developing options for the Treaty’s future role, and does not recommend at this time including the Treaty of Waitangi in a written constitution or abolishing the Māori seats.

You can view all of the Panel’s recommendations on the constitutional topics and the full report A Report on a Conversation: He Kōtuinga Kōrero mō Te Kaupapa Ture o Aotearoa online at www.ourconstitution.org.nz

Burrows says the report represents the collective view of the Panel members. The Panel hopes the report will form a useful reference for future conversations.

“It’s now up to the Government to decide what they will do with the recommendations. But this isn’t just about government, it’s also up to communities and individuals to inform themselves and to continue the conversation.”


About the Constitutional Advisory Panel

The Constitutional Advisory Panel is an independent advisory group appointed by the Deputy Prime Minister Bill English and the Minister of Māori Affairs Dr Pita Sharples in August 2011.

Members of the Panel are Emeritus Professor John Burrows (Co-chair), Sir Tipene O’Regan (Co-chair), Peter Chin, Deborah Coddington, Hon Sir Michael Cullen, Hon John Luxton, Bernice Mene, Dr Leonie Pihama, Hinurewa Poutu, Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Peter Tennent and Dr Ranginui Walker.

The Panel’s role was to seek, listen and record the views of New Zealanders on the constitutional issues described in the Terms of Reference and to report back to the Government by the end of 2013.

The Terms of Reference included a written constitution, the role of the Treaty of Waitangi, Māori representation in Parliament and local government, the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and a range of electoral matters.

In February to July 2013, the general public had the opportunity to make written submissions via email or online, join the Constitution Conversation on Facebook and attend meetings and hui on the Terms of Reference. The Panel attended and supported more than 120 meetings and hui, received 5,259 written submissions and had more than 6,400 people join its Facebook page.

The final report and the information resources created for the Constitution Conversation are available at www.ourconstitution.org.nz

What to Consider When Buying Roller Doors


Roller doors in Auckland are available in many different types and sizes. In fact, there are a variety of retailers that offer them at different prices. You can also find them for sale in online shopping sites. When you are thinking about having your own roller doors, you will find that there are a few things that you should consider.

One thing to think about is how much space you need for your roller doors in Auckland. If you have a small apartment, you might not need to spend a lot of money on these doors. They are usually only a couple of feet long, so you should have no problem fitting them.

If you are going to be having your roller doors in a large room, you may need to take a closer look at the measurements. These doors are generally around four feet wide, so you will need to know how much room you will need to fit your roller doors. Also, some are designed to close when the door itself is open. These doors are not usually as durable as the regular types, but they are certainly stylish.

The style of roller doors you choose will also have a lot to do with the overall look of the place. If you have dark wood and dark paint, then you will want to go with something similar. These days, you have a whole variety of different doors that are both durable and beautiful. For instance, there are ones that feature metal and wooden frames that can give you a very unique look. These types can also be installed easily, so you will not have to worry about it.

If you are looking at roller doors in Auckland for your home office, then you are going to need to choose one that has a modern appearance. These are available in many different styles, so you should be able to find one that matches your other furnishings. These doors are usually durable and very attractive. They also look like they are a bit more expensive than other kinds, so you should be able to find one that you will not have to replace for quite some time.

If you have a garage or a shed, then you have the perfect place for great roller doors. They can give you the advantage of privacy while still allowing plenty of light to get in. If you have a garage, there are many different types that you can purchase that will fit your needs.

If you need to protect your car or truck from being damaged in the rain or snow, then you will also want to consider buying these doors. These are not as durable as the regular types, but they are definitely more stylish. In fact, you might want to go with one that is made from wood so that the rain or snow will not damage your investment.

Whatever you end up choosing to buy, you will find that there are a variety of roller doors in Auckland that are affordable and will last you quite a while. As long as you take the proper measurements for your home and the area you have to work in, you will have the security of being able to lock your doors.

Roller doors are very easy to install and they come in kits, so you will not need to pay an arm and a leg to have them installed. These are designed in such a way that you can move them around the area you want to work in if you need to, without having to worry about moving them around. You do not have to use a lot of effort to get the best out of them.

You might want to go with some of the more expensive options if you have a large garage or a shed, but you can get roller doors for almost any size area that you might need them for. If you have a home office, you might want to make sure that you choose one with the best quality materials to ensure that your equipment stays dry.

If you are looking for a little bit of style and class, then you might want to think about using one of the custom made designs that are available for your home. Many companies that make these doors make custom design services that are available to you in Auckland. They will provide you with the right design for you that you.

App Development Auckland – Why You Should Consider Mobile App Development Auckland

Mobile App Development Auckland is a growing field that provides developers with a great way to promote their business and to reach out to customers. When a customer uses your mobile app they are generally more likely to buy the item you have to offer or they are going to suggest it to others. There are many benefits to the process but if you are not aware of them, you could be missing out on a lot of opportunities.


When creating mobile apps in Auckland, make sure you take the time to hire a professional to design and develop the app. This will allow you to concentrate on the actual functionality of the app rather than on how it looks and what it says.


The design of a mobile app can vary quite significantly depending on whether you are going for a traditional look or if you want to go with something more contemporary. If you do go for something more contemporary, you may want to think about incorporating the latest technology into the look. These days you can get your hands on plenty of apps designed in the latest apps technologies and this will help to make your product look like a real professional product.


Another benefit of mobile app development Auckland is the ease in which the app can be distributed. You can use your own website, a mobile website or an app store to market your mobile app and reach out to a wider audience. You can also use a number of other different platforms to sell your mobile app and reach out to a wide audience.


Most people these days are using their mobile phones and tablets for more than just talking to their friends and family; they are making new contacts, socializing with people they might otherwise never have had the opportunity to meet and even buying local businesses. If you can create an app that is easy to use and attractive to the end users you will increase your chances of being noticed by customers and you will find that they will actually want to recommend it to their friends.


You will also find that when you use the services of a mobile app developer in Auckland, you are given an opportunity to sell to a larger audience. You will be able to reach out to people across the country and use a variety of different platforms to do this.


There are a number of advantages to using mobile app development in Auckland. However, if you are unsure if this is the right choice for your business, you should look into a company who will provide you with a free marketing plan that will help you get your app up and running in no time.


If you are starting a new business, you should take your time to find out everything you can about the process before signing on the dotted line. This way, you can avoid wasting your money and time on someone who cannot give you the information that you need.


It is vital that you are aware of all of the features that you are going to have in your new business’ app. If you are not aware of all of the features that you are going to have you are less likely to be successful at marketing your mobile app.


When looking for a company to help you with mobile app development Auckland, there are a number of things that you should look for. You should check to see how many years of experience they have and whether or not they are using the latest technology.


The most important thing that you need to do is to make sure that they understand what you have to offer the business. You should look to see whether they will be able to design an app that will appeal to the target audience that you have been looking for.


If you do decide to employ the services of a mobile app developer in Auckland, you are sure to find that they are one of the best in the business. This is because they have been doing it for a long time and understand the industry.

A Vape Shop Guide


You’re considering opening your own vape shop, but you need to find the right location. This guide will give you a good place to start.

First of all, what are you looking for? A location that is convenient and allows you to get to customers quickly. Ideally, this should be close to other businesses that sell the same products you do (such as electronic stores or smoke shops), so you won’t have to drive by to visit them.

Another consideration is how big your shop is going to be. If you plan on selling only one or two types of vapor products, then you can fit it in a small room in a basement. You don’t need a large, open shop with shelves, drawers, etc., but if you are selling several kinds of vapor, you will probably need to make additional room. Depending on the product, you will also need a cooling device, counter, shelves, etc.

When deciding how to organize your shop, it’s best to start by thinking about the most popular products you want to sell. Do you want to specialize in certain kinds of vapor? If so, make sure you consider what kind of shop you want.

The size of your shop is also important. You’ll need enough room for the equipment and supplies you’ll need for each type of vapor you sell. Don’t try to stuff too much into one space. This will take up all the room and you won’t be able to get around quickly enough to serve customers quickly.

You will also want to consider how much you want to charge for each type of product. This can vary greatly depending on the product and how you plan to sell it. For instance, if you are selling coffee-coated tobacco, you will probably charge more for it than if you are selling an electronic cigarette. The same goes for the price of replacement cartridges. Again, it depends on the type of vapor you are selling.

Once you’ve determined what type of shop you want, you can go shopping. It is best to find a location that has plenty of parking. If you plan to open on weekends, then you will need a shop with lots of room. In addition to parking, you may also need a building permit, a zoning permit, etc.

Once you’ve found the shop you want, you’ll need to think about how you will promote it. You can advertise in your local area, print fliers, and signs, etc. The first time you open, you should also consider setting up your shop at a prominent location to draw customers in.

Once the shop is up and running, you will need to make sure you get the word out about it. This includes posting signs around the shop, sending out e-mails, etc. You should also post your business card and website URL in your shop and on your phone or e-mail to let customers find you easily. Once you have opened and are making money, you will probably need to hire a realtor or real estate agent to help you market your business.

Make sure you get all your insurance and business licenses in order. Make sure you have your employees’ names and information available when they come to work. Don’t forget to pay all taxes and fees and take your licensing exam before opening.

You should also make sure you make sure everything works smoothly from start to finish. Take down notes about the equipment, the people who work in the shop, the supplies you use, how you do business, and your customer service. The last thing you want is a poorly run shop that does not make money.

Finally, once you’re up and running you should always make sure to make sure your customers are happy. This means they come back and want to tell others about their experience. Make sure you treat them with respect and treat them right.

Buy Sex Toys Online


Buying sex toys online can be a lot of fun because you will get to look through thousands of different items. If you choose to buy sex toys online you are able to shop from the comfort of your home and you do not have to worry about driving to the store or spending time and money trying to find the right items.

When you buy sex toys online, you can save money because you will not have to pay for shipping, handling charges or even handling the item yourself. The best part about buying online is that there is no need to make any purchases unless you want to and there is a money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied with the item.

If you are new to buying sex toys online, you should be aware that you will need to register in order to have access to the sites. You also will need to provide some basic information such as your name, address and email address. Once your registration is complete you will be able to login and see your shopping cart.

When you shop for sex toys online, you will be able to select many different options. You can check out everything from vibrators to gels to dildos and more. If you are looking for a specific item you can select the product, then click the ‘ADD TO CART’ button. The item will be added to your shopping cart and you will be able to proceed with your purchase.

If you are new to the world of sex toys online, you may want to start by browsing some reviews of the different products available. This will help you narrow down your search. Once you have chosen the items that you want you can then search for them on the site that you are going to. There you can choose to pay for each item you are interested in buying.

Once you are ready to buy sex toys online, you can search for a seller based on what you are looking for. There are many different sites to choose from so it may take a bit of searching. After you have located the best place to buy sex toys you can then fill out your information and payment information.

The process of ordering sex toys online is very simple. You will have to enter all of your information once you have entered your email address and credit card number then you are ready to go. You can then enter in the number for your shipping address. and then you are done shopping.

By purchasing sex toys online, you can save money and you can enjoy everything in the privacy of your own home. You can also look through the thousands of different items that are available so you will have plenty of fun shopping and getting to know more about the different items that are available.

You can buy sex toys online without having to travel to find them or you can spend the money for a trip to the store to get everything you need. In either case you can enjoy the thrill of shopping online. You can find the best deals and the best prices online as well.

If you are not comfortable with ordering online, you can even talk to a customer service representative who can answer your questions about your sexual desires and preferences. You can ask them any questions about the different sex toys that are available and they will be happy to help you find the right item for you.

When you buy sex toys online you can purchase the items in several ways. You can order through a catalog by selecting a variety of items to purchase and then pick up the items at a local retailer or you can find a good online retailer who will ship the items to your house for free.

No matter what your reasons for wanting to purchase these items you can do so in an easy and safe way. If you are looking for the best deals or just want the items shipped to your home, this is the way to do it.